Pan Am’s First Lady: The Diary of Betty Stettinus Trippe, by Elizabeth Stettinus Trippe, vividly chronicles the rise of the ionic airline, Pan Am. Betty Trippe was the wife of aviation visionary, and founder of Pan Am, Juan Trippe. This hardcover book provides her personal account of life with the man who pioneered international air travel. Beginning with the first flight in 1927 from Key West, Florida to Havana, Cuba, Pan Am went on to become the greatest international airline in aviation history.
Elizabeth “Betty” Carrington Stettinius married Juan Trippe in 1928, as his new venture was about to take off. Betty kept a diary, and in it she kept notes on the fledgling airline’s beginnings, her relationships, her travels with Pan American World Airways, and with her lifelong love, Juan Trippe. The diary recounts the close friendship between the Lindbergh's and the Trippe's as they traveled to survey far-away lands. Take a walk through history as you read of the Trippes' incredible encounters with presidents, heads-of-state, prime ministers, industry leaders, and the Pope!
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